How to fight the silence mandatory vaccine in work places?

We were told a lot of things when The vaccine first started being rolled out in South Africa, the main one being that no one will be forced to take it. However it seems that with time, things are changing and now many businesses are looking to vaccines mandatory. With the punishment being that if you don’t take it, you could be let go. However that’s not really a good choice because when you threaten someone’s job security, your not really giving them a choice at all. In a Country where unemployment is so high, what’s basically being said is that you should take the vaccine or deal with not being able to put food on the table. So how can we fight these emerging reports. Below I have laid down a set of possible ways.

Fight for freedom of choice :

Before you start taking any steps, start looking for a new job now. Send out your applications as soon as you can, because even if your do win the battle. You may not want to work at a place that forces you to make decisions about your health as part of their policy. However while you are still working,this is what you should do.

First and foremost speak to your employer and find out their views on this issue. More importantly speak to your union representative, as they will be able to mobilize your union for you. Your union holds a lot of power and may be able to force your employer to stop mandatory vaccines. If not than you will have to go higher up and speak to political parties.

Many political parties are trying to get brownie points to earn the citizens votes. This is why they will take action to protect these citizens. These political parties can plan rallies and other events, as well as make the needs of the people known to politicians high up. The freedom of choice should be a part of everyone’s life and they can help you fight for this. Below are some more helpful tips.

Personally I believe that when we are United we can do anything. So start by getting a group of people together, the power that people have can bring down the most oppressive forces. United we stand is not just a phrase, it should be a way of life. What do you think of these tips.

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Akoma Fabrice

I love God and his Christ. So I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ that I preach.

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